A crucial component of success as a new attorney is understanding the law as a business, and developing relevant business development skills in addition to your legal expertise. Knowing how to find and keep clients is important, whether you’re a sole practitioner or a new Associate in a law firm. Understanding key elements of business development, depending on firm size or type of practice, will make a difference in your career development as a new attorney.
Next week, on Friday, April 13 at 12PM all law students are invited to attend a panel discussion designed by the Cleveland-Marshall Law Alumni Association to address this topic in a way that is meaningful to students. Whether you are a first-year student seeking to better understand the elements of successful practice or a graduating student preparing to enter practice very soon, this panel will help you to identify the skills – beyond just knowledge of the law – that legal employers are seeking.
Moderated by Scott Kuboff, C|M Law ’07 (Ibold & O’Brien), the panel will include: Bradley Greene, C|M Law ’89 (Law Offices of Bradley L. Greene), David Herman, C|M Law ’06 (Nurenberg Paris), Alex Reich, C|M Law ’09 (Calfee), and Dan Ross (Daniel Ross & Associates LLC). Each will share their experiences in getting and keeping good clients, along with answering your questions about the business of law.
The panel will be held in the Learning Commons. Please RSVP to career@law.csuohio.edu