Looking for information about managing student debt? Equal Justice Works (EJW) has a number of free resources and will provide some upcoming free webinars that might help, too.
On September 27th at 3:00 pm EST, EJW will offer a new free webinar, “The Public Service Loan Application Process.” October will mark the ten year anniversary of Public Service Loan Forgiveness, and the first group of borrowers can earn Public Service Loan Forgivenss. This free webinar will teach you about Public Service Loan Forgiveness and the application process. You can join live or watch later. If you register prior to the live event, you will receive a recording in the 48 hours following the live version. Register for a free webinar today
On September 28th at 3:00 pm EST, EJW will offer their latest educational free webinar, “Student Debt Relief Basics.” This free webinar will teach you about the various repayment plans, loan cancellation provisions, how to earn Public Service Loan Forgiveness, what to do if you are behind on your payments, and how to lower your loan payments using loan repayment assistance programs. You can join live or watch later. If you register prior to the live event, you will receive a recording in the 48 hours following the live version. Register for a free webinar today!