Each year, the Animal Legal Defense Fund publishes their “Opportunities in Animal Law” booklet. The 2018 edition is now available in the CareerConnect Resource Library and can also be found online here. As you may know, animal law intersects with many traditional areas of the law, such as tort, contract, criminal, and constitutional law. During the past several years, animal law has gained a stronger foothold in the mainstream legal arena. Additionally, the issues that fill today’s headlines – large mammals in captivity, intensive confinement of farmed animals, pet custody, the link between domestic violence and animal cruelty, and food safety issues – reflect the field’s rapid growth.
Despite the steady growth of this field, many law students and attorneys are unaware of the opportunities that exist in animal law beyond the classroom. This “Opportunities in Animal Law” booklet is intended as a resource for students and graduates interested in this rapidly developing area of the law. In this booklet, they will find information about clerkships, scholarships, project grants, employment and pro bono opportunities, law journals, legal resources, Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (SALDF) chapters and much more.