On Friday, November 8, Cleveland-Marshall College of Law will participate in the second annual 3L/4LE and New Graduate Career Fair at the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association. This Career Fair is co-sponsored by C|M|LAW, Case Western Reserve University School of Law, and Akron School of Law.
A variety of employers participate in this Career Fair; some conduct individual interviews, some do table talk sessions, and some do both. This is great opportunity to apply and interview for permanent employment opportunities and to network in the legal community.
Applications for the Career Fair will take place through C|M|LAW’s CareerConnect system. Applications will begin next week on Tuesday, October 15 and all deadlines are Wednesday, October 23.
The 3L/4LE and New Graduate Career Fair will appear as a session in the OCI module of CareerConnect on October 15. 3L/4LEs will need to complete the Participation Agreement (click the “Survey” tab in CareerConnect) prior to having access to the OCI module.
Questions? Contact Sarah Beznoska at s.beznoska@csuohio.edu